Enrike Etxeberria Lekuona

In 2000 he began his professional life as a collaborator in ZMZ ARQUITECTOS and for five years his main work was in the drafting of projects and residential tenders for the elderly. In 2004 he founded SCALA/* STUDIO DE ARQUITECTURA S.L, a company specialising in design, decoration and interior design, developing the areas of: interior design and decoration, participation in public tenders for buildings focused on care for the elderly and single-family and block housing. In 2013 she founded REHABITE AHOLKULARITZA TEKNIKOA S.L.P., an architectural firm whose three main areas of activity are: refurbishment, new construction and development of care projects.
Currently responsible for Architectural Design and Environments at Matia Enea.
Some representative exercises developed within this framework of collaboration with MATIA institute are:
- Pilot Cohabitation Unit, for the development of the new PCC model, in the Petra Lekuona building in Oiartzun (2019).
- Innovation and Care Housing Centre in Usurbil (2020)
- Proposal for the new Care Housing Centre in Azpeitia (2022)
- Proposal for Dementia Village in Zizurkil (2022)
- Proposal for 24 Lifetime Homes in Renteria (2023)