From the Department of Employment and Social Policy of the Basque Government, aware of the important transformation that the society is experiencing as a result of the ageing process, with the collaboration of the Matia Institute technical team, the Strategy for Active Ageing has been developed f
Active aging and friendliness
This area of expertise, Active Ageing, has a more community vision of care (friendliness), working with environments, necessarily complementary to the previous one and in which Active Ageing represents the cornerstone of its development.
Increased life expectancy is causing the proportion of elderly people worldwide to grow faster than any other age group, producing rapid ageing of the population.
Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the development of healthy physical and mental lifestyle habits, training through the recognition of skills and competencies, the promotion of equal opportunities, the encouragement of self-esteem, and the participation of the elderly in society, from their experience, training, values, focusing on the role of family and the community. Active ageing is based on gender perspective and intergenerationality, promoting equal opportunities and personal autonomy.
Euskadi Lagunkoia is an initiative promoted by the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government and implemented by the Fundación Matia, which aims to encourage participation by the elderly, and citizens in general, in order to improve neighbourhoods and environments in th
Improving health care, and rising awareness about maintaining a happy lifetime, healthy aging and high standards of life quality are increasing the long life expectancy of EU citizens which is a true source of pride for the EU.
At the end of 2019, the 'Dementia in Cultural Mediation' project was launched in Odense (Denmark), an initiative within the framework of the European Erasmus + programme, which seeks to gather information about the different artistic and cultural activities involving people with dementia in four
More and more people in Gipuzkoa are deciding to become volunteers and accompany those in need, contributing to their wellbeing.
Intergenerational community development project funded by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and implemented by Matia Institute and Adinkide, which seeks to work on the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion involving different community agents in both the search for solutions and their
The main objective of the project is to research, develop and study the application of virtual reality solutions aimed at generating well-being in the elderly.
From a functional point of view, frailty is a state of high vulnerability in which the ability of frail elderly people to adapt to adverse events such as a fall or the flu is reduced, leading to functional deterioration and dependence.
It is a social action program based on the training of social workers to improve the quality of life of dependent elderly people and people with functional diversity. The project focuses on combining "life projects" and "care projects", providing personalized support through holistic solutions.
Population ageing is a great social achievement that poses challenges to ensure the welfare of this population in conditions of equality and sustainability, even more so after the COVID-19 crisis that has had such an impact on the elderly.
Matia Fundazioa accompanies Getafe City Council in the construction of its First Friendliness Plan within the strategy of an Age-Friendly City.
The collaboration between Matia Instituto and Afundación began in 2017 with the aim of developing a specific action to address the emotional state of the elderly. This action was generated following a co-creation methodology focused on people with participants of the Espazos +60.
The concept of "Ageing in place", which has influenced ageing policies since the 1990s, nowadays goes hand in hand with the notion of age-friendliness. To promote ageing at home, spaces must be designed in a friendly way, taking into account the needs of ageing people.
There is an international commitment to involve people who do not have an academic role a greater role in science, in order to help generate impactful research and realize the European vision of science for the people, by the people.
Participación en Foros
It may be easy to talk about people over 80 in the country with the highest life expectancy globally. But we're always plagued by the question "and how is life then, how should it be": it's easy to say, "add life, quality of life, to the years".
Scientific programme
10:00 PRESENTATION AND INTRODUCTION TO THE CONFERENCE Rubén Martínez Dalmau, Second Vice-President and Regional Minister for Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture, Generalitat Valenciana Ione Belarra, Secretary of State Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda
In collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia and Acis, this online meeting will discuss the realuty of ageing and the importance of actions to promote active ageing and healthy lifestyles.
Our well-being is also affected by the environment, both indoors and outdoors, and by our connection to nature. The buildings in which we live and work, as well as the environments in which we move, affect our health, well-being, ability to work, creativity and social skills.
Conference given by Álvaro García, PhD in Psychology and researcher at the Matia Institute Foundation as a researcher in issues related to the gerontological field, in which he will present an innovative guide aimed at elderly people or those in the process of ageing who live with dementia and th
Doble participación de Matia Instituto enmarcada en el Simposio: "Abordar la soledad desde las sociedades inclusivas: Estudios y ejemplos de actuación en España". Modera: Sara Marsillas
The Directorate General for the Elderly, of the Government Area of Families, Equality and Social Welfare, is organising the 16th Annual Technical Conference for professionals.
"Euskadi Lagunkoia" is a project of the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government in collaboration with Matia Instituto, which aims to promote the participation of citizens and the public, private and social sectors to develop a friendliness movement in the promotion o
Debate hosted by the cultural centre "La Térmica" within the cycle with science and thought: criticism and fiction in the 21st century with Mayte Sancho, director of Planning at Matia Fundazioa and José Manuel Marín Carmona, geriatrician and editor of the Gaceta de la Sociedad Española de Geriatr
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, it is critical to help cities and communities around the world address the challenge of ageing demographics by being age-friendly, creating age-friendly environments that are inclusive and equitable for people of all ages.
The aim of this Forum is to continue generating knowledge and disseminating information on the reality of the demographic revolution and ageing in the 21st century, to debate on the current reality of the elderly in Spain and the world, to train and raise awareness in society and the media on the
Frailty is a very prevalent syndrome in the elderly in which the probability of an adverse event occurring is increased: falls, hospitalisation, institutionalisation and even death.
This Seminar is organised at the request of Unece (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), the European region of the United Nations and in collaboration with the Imserso. It will show the results of a study on the Active Ageing Index in Spain.
This summer course aims to reflect on ageing, one of the most important challenges facing our society, with an emphasis on the opportunities that can arise if we address the challenge correctly.
Meeting organised by AMIFP and aimed mainly at people with disabilities, family members, professionals, volunteers, students and anyone who wants to learn and know a little more about the reality of people with disabilities.
Meeting organised by the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP) that will address some of the challenges and opportunities posed by the gradual active ageing of the population.
Aimed at:
This course aims to establish scientific knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective. The specific objectives are:
Annual meeting of the National Confederation of Retired and Pensioners of Spain, which on this occasion is hosted by the city of Vigo, and which will talk about loneliness, good treatment and volunteering".
On the 20th and 21st of this month, the Julián Besteiro School (Calle Azcona 53, Madrid) is hosting the conference "The protection of the elderly in the face of active ageing", organised by UGT.
With the aim of bringing the administration closer to the citizens and in order to establish a transparent and collaborative dialogue that encourages us to achieve a model of Good Governance, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa is organising this meeting to debate and deliberate on the model of go
On 27 October, the "Friendly Navarra" Conference, organised by the Yesa Town Council and the Arangoiti-Esam Association, will be held to present the progress made in terms of friendliness in municipalities such as Yesa, Bidaurreta, Tudela, Pamplona and Baztán, as well as the Active and Healthy Ag
Spain is among the longest-living countries in the world, second only to Japan and Switzerland. This situation is the result of the success of our society, which has managed to organise itself to achieve the conditions that allow a long life.
Matia Instituto is one of the entities that will participate in the next Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology. The event will take place on 4, 5 and 6 July at the University of Manchester.
It is not possible to ignore the fact that cities are not only vibrant, thriving, moving spaces that promise hope for a better quality of life, but also accumulate and reflect significant problems.
In June we travelled to Granada to participate in the spring conference organised by the Andalusian Society for Healthcare Quality (SADECA) in collaboration with the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP).
Sara Marsillas, researcher at Matia Instituto, will be in charge of closing the 2017/2018 academic year of Ategal (Asociación Cultural Galega de Formación Permanente de Adultos), with a talk on the role of active ageing for healthy ageing.
There is great concern in the EU about the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, their integration into society on an equal footing with others and the provision of the necessary support for them to achieve this goal, as reflected in the relevant EU legislation.
On 4 and 5 October, an interesting conference organised by CEOMA will be held at the headquarters of the Imserso to inform the public about the different institutional resources available to protect and defend them in cases of abuse and mistreatment.
This meeting was created as a space for professional and scientific debate to analyse how ageing and the current demographic and social challenges are transforming the lives of the entire population, not just the elderly.
Conference aimed at members and managers of the senior citizens' associative movement, with the following objectives:
The Directorate General for the Elderly and Social Services, of the Department of Equity, Social Rights and Employment, is organising its new annual technical conferences for professionals.
On Thursday 11 May, Elgoibar Town Council, through the Department of Social Welfare, has organised a talk entitled "Building the future from a society that cares for people", which will be given by Mayte Sancho, scientific director of the Matía Gerontology Institute Foundation.
Europe is facing unprecedented demographic change, making it vital to adopt new policies aimed at active and healthy ageing of the population and prevention and early action on frailty, disability and dependency.
The Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities is a project promoted by the World Health Organisation, which at national level already has 108 city councils adhered to it in different phases of the project's development.
The Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government invites you to the Conference "Euskadi Lagunkoia Network of Municipalities" on 13 June at the Kursaal Conference Centre in Donostia-San Sebastian.
Conference organised by AFAB, the Barcelona association of relatives of people with Alzheimer's disease, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary.
Age discrimination against older people, or ageism, is an indisputable reality in today's society.
Spain has managed to achieve one of the greatest aspirations of any country: to increase the life expectancy of its citizens to levels unprecedented in history. This has brought with it a strong ageing of our demographic pyramid, which is expected to worsen over the coming decades.
In this III Conference on Conciliation, Co-responsibility and Diversity organised by the Observatory of Conciliation, Co-responsibility and Diversity of the Comillas Pontifical University, we will debate on the elderly in this post-pandemic period from three important perspectives: legal, economi
"Euskadi Lagunkoia" is a project of the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government in collaboration with Matia Instituto, which aims to promote the participation of citizens and the public, private and social sectors to develop a movement of friendliness in the promotio
The EDEN project is designed to support family members, health professionals and local communities in their collaboration and efforts to create a better life for people living with dementia.
Meeting organised by the State Confederation of Active Seniors (CONFEMAC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the Santander City Council, aimed at social and health professionals from social services, residential centres, centres for the elderly, as well as so
The persistently low fertility rate and the increase in life expectancy in Spain and in most Western countries has accelerated the ageing process (relative and absolute) of the population to levels never before seen in the history of mankind.
This talk will take place on 9 March at 18:00h as part of the activities organised by Elorrio Town Council to celebrate International Women's Day. Our colleague Nerea Almazán, researcher at the Matia Institute, will give an overview of "The reality of older women".
Barcelona Women Acceleration Week (BWAW) celebrates its second edition with the aim of accelerating and energising gender equality to help achieve full participation and equal opportunities for women in the industrial sector locally and globally.
On 22, 23 and 24 June geriatrics and gerontology will meet at the 62nd National Congress of the SEGG and the 23rd of the SMGG in Madrid to listen to experts who will address the challenge of ageing and which will include new sessions such as expert consultations and controversy on certain topics.
This event, part of the cycle of social challenges in the Balearic Islands organised by Club Diario de Mallorca and the "la Caixa" Foundation, will consist of a conference focused on giving visibility to the problem of loneliness, how it affects the elderly, how to deal with this reality and what
Communication, social image and aging: ageisms kill more.
Multidisciplinary round table: 8 strategies for a positive longevity.
Lecture: 'Ageism, COVID and the media'.
On 8 June, an interesting meeting will take place in Donosti in which experts from different fields will discuss the opportunities offered by the incorporation of people with dementia as active agents and protagonists of activities with cultural and artistic background.
Involvement in social processes generates an emotional and informational impact that has an important and sometimes decisive influence on personal self-fulfilment, on people's self-esteem and on the self-concept of the ageing person as an active subject of rights.
The next 29 June will be the event to celebrate the 10 years of Euskadi Lagunkoia's trajectory. It will review the experiences and milestones achieved during 10 years of journey and friendliness.
The course, aimed at both professionals and students of the USC, "Elderly and Quality of Life: unwanted loneliness in older adults", is part of the specific training studies and on demand organised by the Centre of Own Studies of the USC and is organised by the Red Cross Chair.
The importance of social relationships has been extensively studied for decades, highlighting their relevance to people's physical and mental health.
As part of the commemoration of International Museum Day, under the slogan "The power of museums", the colloquium "celebrates the power of art, science and community to promote intellectual, social and emotional accessibility for people with dementia and their carers".
Conference organised by Cáritas Gipuzkoa, in collaboration with the Pío XII Institute, in which specialists in the field will address the issue of the fragilities that we may experience throughout our lives and how community environments help us to deal with them.
This UIK summer course addresses different aspects related to the ageing of the population from a social, urban and architectural perspective, with contributions from complementary disciplines.
Next Thursday 29th September at 18:30h will take place the Conference "Edadismo, retos para el siglo XXI", given by our colleague and co-director of Matia Instituto, Elena del Barrio.
Registration in advance by email:
Friday 23rd September
From 18:00 to 20:00. Round table: intergenerational experiences.
In this conference, Sara Marsillas, researcher at Matia Institute, will analyse the diversity of experiences of loneliness experienced by the elderly, as well as the keys that can help to build a healthy relationship with this feeling.
Our colleague and co-director of Matia Instituto, Elena del Barrio, will participate in this webinar organised by the Gregorio Peces-Barba Human Rights Institute in collaboration with the UC3M Equality Unit, the Access to Justice and Vulnerability project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation
This HAPPI Hour session will present key lessons learned from an Innovate UK funded project involving Housing LIN.
Meeting organised by the Basque Government on Friday 20 January at the Palacio de Europa (Vitoria-Gasteiz) from 11:00 to 14:00, in a day of presentation of the "Basque Strategy with the elderly" in which, in addition, the driving projects promoted by the same will be presented, among them: Heldua
This Friday we are taking part in a round table entitled "Zaharrak gara eta libre" (We are old and free), which forms part of the cycle of conferences on care organised by Usurbil Town Council and Emagin Elkartea.
A new edition of the "Plátika" meetings organised periodically by the Bizan Network of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council.
On 5 and 6 May we will meet in the Auditorium of the Hotel San Francisco in Santiago de Compostela to talk about how we live, work and research dementia today, providing ideas for a fairer and more inclusive future for all.
Participation is a right and a tool that people have not only to promote and influence the democratic health of the country and its institutions, but also to take part in those elements that affect people's lives and improve certain elements of their own well-being.
Talk organised by Plus55 with our colleague and researcher at Matia Institute, Sara Marsillas, talking about what aspects people over 70 consider when they say they are ageing well and how they think about their desired future.
Although it is difficult to measure social isolation and loneliness accurately, there is strong evidence that many adults aged 50 and older are socially isolated or lonely in ways that put their health at risk.
On Wednesday 12 July 2023, EAPN-ES is organising the forum "Older people and essential services: the case of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities", from 11:00 to 12:30.
A new event organised by Euskadi Lagunkoia, the network of friendly municipalities in the Basque Country promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government, which aims to encourage the participation of the elderly and citizens in general to improve neighb
This event focuses on the need to work, following the experience of the COVID, on the urgent development of real socio-health services in the framework of long-term care, demanding them in both institutional and home settings; as well as on the need to have sufficient and appropriate professional
The Congress of the Walking Cities Network is an annual event that becomes a forum for technicians and municipal managers related to the use of public space and its functionality both for mobility and for sociability, commercial dynamism, culture, physical activity, child autonomy, road safety an
The Adinberri Silver Forum will bring together leading professionals from the sector in an inspiring and practical event, which combines a conference with internationally renowned speakers and a fair where you can discover innovations in the field of the Silver Economy.
Within the framework of a series of meetings on care organised by Oñati Town Council, our colleagues from Mati Instituto, Nerea Almazán and Nerea Etxaniz will be giving a talk on 9 November entitled: "Growing old in the 21st century.
Gertu Cultura is a network of cultural programmers who come together to facilitate access to culture for people in vulnerable situations through social entities.
Our colleague, Maider Azurmendi, Director of Home and Community Care at Matia, is taking part in this cycle of conferences, organised by Astigarraga Town Council, speaking on: "The ageing process and new responses to new needs".
A positive aspect of ageing has been studied and demonstrated for years. We already know ways of influencing our ageing process in order to enjoy greater well-being.
Doctoral sessions organised by the universities of Trieste and Udine, with talks that can be followed online via teams. More information:
Age discrimination, i.e. ageism, occurs in many ways in our society, without us being aware of it. How does it happen? How does it affect us? What consequences does it have on people, on the economy, on health and on society? How can it be combated? What can the media do? What can I do?
The current transition towards longevity is shaped by a demographic change, with a gain in life expectancy occurring at older ages and accompanied by a series of structural (social, economic) and individual changes that give rise to new experiences of ageing and unprecedented social change.
In recent years we have heard a lot about the term "ageism", a concept that, as the word itself indicates, refers to a type of discrimination based on age.
As part of its intergenerational cultural programme, the Círculo de Bellas Artes and Padula & Partners are organising the ‘Senior Future’ Forums, a Merck initiative in collaboration with the Banco Sabadell Foundation.
This face-to-face conference will try to define basic concepts such as ageism and micro-ageism and to delve into the existence of certain attitudes that, by action or omission, consciously or unconsciously, have been incorporated into the society in which we live and that perpetuate ageism.
Within the framework of the activities organized by the Department of Elderly People of the Hernani City Council, a talk on Active Aging is given by our colleague Andrea Pozo, researcher at Matia Institute.
New event organized by Euskadi Lagunkoia, the network of friendly municipalities of Euskadi promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government, which aims to encourage the participation of the elderly and citizens in general for the improvement of neighbo